Course Description Sessions will include presentations of the latest scientific evidence regarding osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) and topics related to OMM research and practice within the field. Sessions are designed to encourage discussion about evidence and topics presented.
Check out the RESULTS from the August 2020 Technique of the Month! We reviewed a technique classified by the demonstrator as High Velocity-Low Amplitude or Thrust Technique.
Check out the RESULTS from the May 2020 Technique of the Month! We reviewed a technique classified by the demonstrator as Indirect or Functional Method.
Check out the RESULTS from the March 2020 Technique of the Month! We reviewed a technique classified by the demonstrator as Lymphatic Drainage Technique.
Check out the RESULTS from the February 2020 Technique of the Month! We reviewed a technique classified by the demonstrator as Cranial Manipulation or Biodynamics.
Jane Johnson, DO-Touch.NET Associate Director, and Brian Degenhardt, DO-Touch.NET Director, presented results on the characteristics of adult patients who use osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) to address some of their health problems.