Category Archives: Let’s Talk About OMM Research!

What’s New at DO‑Touch.NET?
Let’s Talk About OMM Research!

DO‑Touch.NET announces our “Let’s Talk About OMM Research!” series, monthly live streamed discussions about topics relevant to osteopathic manipulative medicine research!

  • Updates from the DO‑Touch.NET Director and Associate Director along with membership discussions about network activities and goals.
  • Educational webinars related to the research being pursued by DO‑Touch.NET.
  • Research journal club where a volunteer member of DO‑Touch.NET will lead a discussion about a recently published journal article related to OMM research.

Live streamed discussions: 3rd Friday of each month at 10:00 am Central Time (Kirksville, Missouri, United States)
(Click here to determine what time that is in your timezone.)

For those who can’t catch the live stream, the discussions will be recorded and posted in the DO‑Touch.NET website Members Area. Additionally, we are implementing discussion forums so all of our DO‑Touch.NET members can participate in the discussions even if they’re not available during the live stream.

Watch the DO‑Touch.NET website, Twitter, and Facebook for more information about our first “Let’s Talk About OMM Research!” discussion, coming on October 16.

From The Director: 2020 Vision

The power of osteopathy has always been best illustrated by the success individual patients report from receiving manipulative care. The ability to touch, identify real problems that may or may not be perceived by the patient, and to provide relief from or cure of those problems has allowed osteopathy to flourish throughout the 20th century into a global healthcare approach. Science, a process of observation to increase understanding, has developed technologies that significantly improve humans’ ability to make observations. Humanity now has the capacity and opportunity of not only seeing the individual patient at specific moments and extrapolating the effect of care over time, but to observe large numbers of people over extended periods of time to increase understanding of dysfunctions/pathologies and treatment outcomes. In the past decade, DO-Touch.NET has grown from a vision of promoting OMM research to a global practice-based research network, finding ways to help patients and clinicians better understand the impact of osteopathy. As DO-Touch.NET begins its second decade, it has a new 2020 vision to help the osteopathic manipulative medicine community incorporate and sustain technologies in their offices to improve their ability to observe conditions over time,
empower patients to actively contribute to a deeper understanding of their condition and how interventions promote their progression to health. Based on this process, evidence and not just anecdote will demonstrate the true power of osteopathy. This is our 2020 vision, purpose, and passion.

From the Director: Rationale for the Technique of the Month

The mission of DO-Touch.NET is to advance the science of osteopathy.  There are great opportunities and challenges achieving this mission.  One challenge is to assure that what we do, what we say we do, and why we do these approaches are comparable. 

Continue reading From the Director: Rationale for the Technique of the Month

From the Director: Accident, Intention, or Observation

Whether it begins by accident (Pasteur and Penicillin) or by intention (AT Still and Osteopathy), advances in human existence occurs through systematically collected serial observations.   In the 21st century, human kind is constantly collecting observations. Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google estimates that “every two days we create as much information as we did from the dawn of civilization up until 2003.” 

Continue reading From the Director: Accident, Intention, or Observation

From the Director: Reflections on 2016

Greetings and happy holidays!

Throughout many parts of the world, the end of the year is a time for thanksgiving, celebration, reflection, assessment, planning, and hope.  Here at the administrative offices of DO-Touch.NET, the network whose purpose is to assist in advancing health through research on osteopathic manipulative medicine, we are thankful for the work that you do and your intention to contribute to real world research in OMM.  In an era of great change within the healthcare system, it is critical now for clinicians and patients to proactively participate in shaping healthcare.  One way of doing this is by contributing to research which establishes the evidence from which healthcare policy is created.

Continue reading From the Director: Reflections on 2016