Check out the RESULTS from the June 2019 Technique of the Month! We reviewed a mixed technique that included Balanced Ligamentous Tension or Ligamentous Articular Strain and Myofascial Release.
What were respondents’ 1st choices to classify the demonstrated technique?

- With no audio, 49% (19/39) of respondents indicated their 1st choice to classify the demonstrated technique was Balanced Ligamentous Tension or Ligamentous Articular Strain, while 15% (6/39) indicated their 1st choice was Counterstrain or Facilitated Positional Release. Only 8% (3/39) indicated their 1st choice was Myofascial Release, the same percentage who indicated Indirect or Functional Method and less than the percentage who indicated Articulatory or Still Technique (13%, 5/39).
- With audio, 57% (16/28) of respondents indicated their 1st choice to classify the demonstrated technique was Balanced Ligamentous Tension or Ligamentous Articular Strain, while 25% (7/28) indicated their 1st choice was Indirect or Functional Method.
- Without audio, only 5% (2/39) of respondents listed both Balanced Ligamentous Tension or Ligamentous Articular Strain AND Myofascial Release as their 1st and 2nd choices. With audio, 11% (3/28) listed both techniques as their 1st and 2nd choices.
How many respondents indicated Balanced Ligamentous Tension or Ligamentous Articular Strain and/or Myofascial Release as one of their 3 choices?

What did respondents have to say when they learned the technique demonstrator classified the technique as a mixed technique that included Balanced Ligamentous Tension or Ligamentous Articular Strain and Myofascial Release?
- Respondents who Agreed (at least partially) with Classification of the Demonstrated Technique
- “I continue to have trouble recognizing the anatomy being selected as techniques are applied. I interpreted the contacts as the ~6th rib and the clavicle and I had a hard time identifying the technique. In the description the bones were both being taken into the position of ease while waiting for relaxation/still point. I was pretty ambivalent about my choice in classification between BLT and indirect technique.”
- “Where is the difference to an indirect technique?”
- “How does INDIRECT myofascial release differ from functional technique?”
- “Techniques definitely overlap. I learned a new way of possibly treating …thank you!”
- “Good pick this month! I first thought BLT but after reading descriptions without sound yet it seemed less specific ligaments of joints and larger muscle & fasciae connection being treated so chose indirect functional. Could have been MFR too but I didn’t consider it. Had BLT as my 2nd. 3rd was SCS as considered back hand could have been wrapping around an anterior point. Thx!”
- Respondents who Disagreed with Classification of the Demonstrated Technique
- ” Movement away from the barrier until balance was achieved.”
Did you miss your chance to review the June 2019 Technique of the Month video? Check it out and see whether you agree that the technique demonstrated falls into the category of a mixed technique that included Balanced Ligamentous Tension or Ligamentous Articular Strain and Myofascial Release.
What do you think about the classification of this demonstrated technique as a mixed technique that included Balanced Ligamentous Tension or Ligamentous Articular Strain and Myofascial Release? Let’s talk about this below!