In 2013, DO-Touch.NET has experienced unprecedented growth. The enthusiasm and productivity at the network’s active research sites has brought significant expansion to the network’s data warehouse.
At the American Academy of Osteopathy’s Annual Convocation in March, there was broad interest in DO-Touch.NET and many physicians joined the network. Now there are over 60 physician members in the network and many of these new members are becoming active research sites for our first study entitled Use and Effectiveness of OMM in the Clinical Setting. It is impressive to see the eagerness of practicing physicians to incorporate research activities within their practice, motivated to actively advance the evidence-base of osteopathic manipulative medicine.
With every new physician participating within the network and with every patient visit that provides data into the data warehouse, the value of this network to the osteopathic profession and to the advancement of healthcare increases. It is easy to learn more about the network and to become an active study site. Log on to our website to learn more and contact us if you have interest in joining or if you have any questions.